What is Rap Therapy?

Freedom to be oneself, freedom of expression, and creativity are fundamental aspects of this practice and, ultimately, of rap music itself. Authenticity is the watchword. Through rap, young people can recognize, understand, process, and share their experiences. The Rap Therapy Group serves as a tool to bridge the gap between music, oneself, and life, promoting resilience, personal growth, and the development of social skills while reducing anxiety, stress, and aggression, in favor of overall psychological and physical well-being.

  • Music
  • Group sessions
  • Effectiveness
  • Well-being

    Group meetings are held weekly, lasting approximately 2 hours. Through rap song production, listening, and text analysis, participants can express and explore various social and personal themes in an open, welcoming, and non-judgmental environment. Additionally, individual skills can be enhanced through Vocal Coaching lessons. At the end of the course, those interested will have the opportunity to record their own song.

    Dr. Carla SilvestriDr. Carla Silvestri

    Founder of the Rap Therapy Group project in Italy, established in 2023. Psychologist with a psychoanalytic approach and a Master's in Legal and Forensic Psychology. Expertise in Neuroscience and Occupational Psychology, Writer, and Scientific Communicator. Content provider and member of BeComedy UK (Stand-up Comedy and Music) in London. All information and insights can be found here: home.

    Dr. Niccolò VenturiniDr. Niccolò Venturini

    Co-Founder, Psychologist - Music Therapist, Rapper-Songwriter. Mindfulness and Emotional Management Facilitator, Musician, and Performance Poet. As a freelancer, he manages creative writing projects in public and private institutions. Founder and frontman of the rap music project "Nikkè" since 2013. Member of the regional collective "Poetry Slam Abruzzo-Molise" of the LIPS (Italian Poetry Slam League) circuit, regional representative and organizer for the provinces of Ascoli Piceno and Teramo. In 2021, he won the regional title of performance poetry champion for Abruzzo and Molise with an original storytelling rap text, participating in the national LIPS finals in Turin. He is the president of the cultural association "VibrArte" in Sant'Egidio alla Vibrata (TE).

    Vocal Coach - Valentina PirozziVocal Coach - Valentina Pirozzi

    Vocal Coach, singer, author, and performer. Specialized in the use of the Schlaffhorst Andersen Method (Certification as a Voice and Breathing Therapist and Coach in German: Atem-, Sprech- und Stimmlehrerin). She has developed her own new method, integrating her previous knowledge with Energetic Regeneration and Reiki, creating "3 Circles." She focuses on artistic performance aspects, leveraging her expertise in voice management, breathing, and diction.

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